Who is Mommy?

Marixsa Rodriguez is a stay at home mom of three little ones. She holds BA in Public Communications from University of Puerto Rico.

In Summer 2014 she coordinated La Casita Summer Camp (ages 2-6) and in 2014-15 school year she hosted La Escuelita, a Spanish-immersion home-based pre-school program (ages 2-4). She has Summers off as a College Assistant at Hunter College and is currently pursuing a Child Development Associate (CDA) Certificate at the CUNY School of Professional Studies. 


Maybelin Santamaria is a senior at Erasmus Hall High School and a big sister of two pre-schoolers. She has babysat her two active brothers (ages 4 and 5) during her free time over the last year and is very excited to be joining Mommy Camp this summer as a mommy helper.  


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